Zilmet ZS2, .53 Gallon, Inline Stainless Steel Expansion Tank

Zilmet ZS2, .53 Gallon, Inline Stainless Steel Expansion Tank

Zilmet ZS12, 3.2 Gallon, Inline Stainless Steel Expansion Tank

Zilmet ZS12, 3.2 Gallon, Inline Stainless Steel Expansion Tank

Zilmet ZS8, 2.1 Gallon, Inline Stainless Steel Expansion Tank

Zilmet has over 50 years of experience in manufacturing high-quality expansion tanks - It produces over 5 million tanks and over 1 million heat exchangers annually - Fully vertically integrated, designing and manufacturing all diaphragms and bladders internally Zilmet has created a compact design with a seamless diaphragm that never stretches or creases. There are no bubbles or corners to trap sediment, inhibiting bacterial growth. *SHIPPING INCLUDED*

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The Zilmet ZS8 STAINLESS STEEL expansion tanks are fit for all applications near coastal areas where the presence of brackishness or harsh chemical environments that rapidly corrode all parts made of plain steel. They allow water expansion in domestic heating systems equipped with boilers or heat exchangers.  They are also used in every application where ultimate hygiene is required, as in a house or a community. These expansion tanks are equipped with a non-toxic food grade membrane with world wide certifications from demanding organizations for the approval of parts used in the food industry.   Our high quality materials, manufacturing procedures and continuous ZILMET USA quality control, make our INOX PRO tanks a long-lasting life cycle and no need for special maintenance.

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Model #ZS8
Shipping Weight6
Drawdown @ 40/60 PSI0.5
Drawdown @ 30/50 PSI0.7
Flow Rate0
MaterialStainless Steel
Size7.8" x 10.8"
Discharge Connection 3/4" NPTM
Warranty5 Year Limited