Trojan UV Quartz Sleeve for UVMAX-28E,  PRO 7 or UVMAX-E4

Trojan UV Quartz Sleeve for UVMAX-28E, PRO 7 or UVMAX-E4


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More Details >> USM-10x2.5-S-5283

The ULTRA-D filter reduces or removes the following pathogens:

  • >99.99% viruses (polio, rotovirus, norovirus, etc.)**

  • >99.99% bacteria (e coli, legionella, pseudomonas, etc.)**

  • >99.95% cysts (giardia, cryptosporidium, etc.)**

  • **Tested by a certified laboratory in the U.S. (testing was done at 6.5pH)


The ULTRA-D filter removes or reduces the following heavy metals:

  • >95% Lead**

  • >80% Ferrous Iron**

  • >95% Arsenic V**

  • >95% Cadmium**

  • >85% Chromium**

  • >75% Selenium**

  • >60% Mercury

**Tested by a certified laboratory in the U.S. (testing was done at 6.5pH)


The ULTRA-D filter removes or reduces the following organic and inorganic chemicals:

  • Chlorine (carbon version)

  • Bromine (carbon version)

  • Iodine (carbon version)

  • VOCs (volatile organic compounds)

  • PCBs and BPA

  • Residual pharmaceuticals

  • Biofouling precursors: organic acids, proteins, polysaccharides

Lakos Sand Separator



The ULTRA-D filter reduces or removes the following pathogens:

  • >99.99% viruses (polio, rotovirus, norovirus, etc.)**

  • >99.99% bacteria (e coli, legionella, pseudomonas, etc.)**

  • >99.95% cysts (giardia, cryptosporidium, etc.)**

  • **Tested by a certified laboratory in the U.S. (testing was done at 6.5pH)

The ULTRA-D filter removes or reduces the following heavy metals:

  • >95% Lead**

  • >80% Ferrous Iron**

  • >95% Arsenic V**

  • >95% Cadmium**

  • >85% Chromium**

  • >75% Selenium**

  • >60% Mercury

**Tested by a certified laboratory in the U.S. (testing was done at 6.5pH)


The ULTRA-D filter removes or reduces the following organic and inorganic chemicals:

  • Chlorine (carbon version)

  • Bromine (carbon version)

  • Iodine (carbon version)

  • VOCs (volatile organic compounds)

  • PCBs and BPA

  • Residual pharmaceuticals

  • Biofouling precursors: organic acids, proteins, polysaccharides

In addition to its submicronic benefits, the ULTRA-D filter is available in eight models (color coded caps):

  1. Standard pleated model

  2. Standard pleated model with NSF-certified natural silver (Agion anti-microbial) impregnated in the media to protect the filter surface from bacterial and fungal growth, killing pathogens on the filter surface. This makes the filter environmentally intelligent and allows the filter to be disposed of at any recycling center or waste facility.

  3. Standard pleated model with powdered activated carbon (PAC) with an average particle size of only 8 microns. Activated carbon at this particle size produces remarkably high dynamic adsorption*.

  4. Standard pleated model with powdered activated carbon and natural silver with the same benefits as above.

  5. The ULTRA-D Eco Series with a 5-micron sediment wrap is available in all four above versions.

  6. The ULTRA-D Filter Series are available in 2.5-inch and 4.5-inch diameters, and in 5- to 40-inch lengths. 


United Filters International announces its newest line of filters, The ULTRA-D Submicron Depth Filtration Series, which are manufactured using a proprietary, patented, electroadsorptive media technology, capable ofremoving submicron pathogens and inorganic contaminants through electro-adhesion and ion exchange.  This technology makes it possible for a nonwoven media to produce filtration efficiency comparable to ultra membrane filtration but at very low pressure drop, with high flow rates and high loading capacity working equally well in fresh, brackish or salt waters.
     The ULTRA-D media consists of coated micro-glass fibers produced using a wet laid nonwoven manufacturing technology. The base media is laminated between layers of spun-bond to provide both strength and pleat support. The media in the ULTRA-D filter is NSF 61-approved (Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects), and USP Class VI testing and endotoxin testing.
     This media has been specifically engineered to have an average pore size of 2 microns and a mean flow pore of 0.7 microns. This allows the naturally occurring charge field to affect the total volume of the individual pores, as well as virtually the entire void volume of the filter media itself.
     The media in these cartridges efficiently retain inorganic and organic particulates, cell debris, endotoxins, virus, proteins, many colloids, bacteria and inorganic submicron particulates.  Contaminants are removed by being exposed to a torturous path through the media, depth and the powerful electropositive charge.
With the ability to remove membrane biofoulants such as organic acids, bacteria and cellular debris the ULTRA-D is an effective pre-filter to protect reverse osmosis membranes from biofouling. By reducing membrane biofouling, the ULTRA-D filter extends the performance and life of RO membranes by increasing the time between clean-in-place treatment and reduces the volume of reject water. Energy savings are also gained because clean membranes operate at reduced pressure drop, saving energy. Opportunities for improving RO membrane performance include industrial and municipal wastewater, water re-use, municipal drinking water and desalination.

Applications for and industries benefitting from the ULTRA-D filtration process:

  • Residential use where cost effective systems must be used and presence of pathogenic-laden water is of ongoing concern
  • Food and beverage industry for high purity water
  • Pharmaceutical industry for high purity water
  • Commercial pre-RO and ultra filtration treatment to sustain the life of the membranes
  • Greywater recycling for removal of pathogens
  • De-salination for pre-filtration
  • Other high purity applications
  • Water re-cycling treatment for circuit board industry

Benefits using the ULTRA-D Filter Cartridges versus other medias: 

  • Finer particle retention and filtration capacity (2 to 3-micron pore size comparable to a 0.02-micron size for virus removal)
  • Higher loading capacity (up to 25 times greater)
  • Greater efficiency in salt, brackish and fresh water
  • Wider pH operating window (4-9pH)
  • Very low pressure drop (approximately 2 psi)
  • Lower cost of ownership
  • The capability of using one stand-alone filter system to achieve pathogen, heavy metal, taste and odor, chemical and organics removal or reduction (the carbon and silver version); for a broad range of applications including residential whole house point-of-entry and point-of-use water filtration; shower filters; portable water filtration for bottles and backpacks; unlimited commercial water filtration applications.
More Information
Model #USM-10x2.5-S-5283
Performance ChartNone
Shipping Weight3
MaterialCoated Micro-glass Fibers
Size10" X 2 1/2"